08 November 2008

One of the team drivers, Abdul, and I have a running joke. I don't even remember how it started, but whenever one of us first sees the other we yell bachi-khar! Bachi-khar means "son of a donkey" and is a terrible insult. Our ongoing insult battle has evolved into exchanging made-up insults like bachi-shodi (son of a monkey), bachi-fil (son of an elephant), bachi-mahi (son of a fish), and others.

When I presented certificates last week, I made one special. Instead of "In grateful appreciation...blah, blah, blah..." on Adbul's certificate I wrote 'bachi-khar!" in the native language Dari, and included a picture of the donkey from "Shrek."

I win.

This morning my very first interpreter-translator (I've had four) Abdullah came by and presented me with a gift. Two Afghan outfits--one for me and one for Julie. If Julie and I ever immigrate to Afghansitan we'll be set for clothes, I think we each have three outfits now.

Disclaimer: I actually gave Abdul two certificates; a real one and this joke one. However, I think he treasures the joke certificate more.


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