25 October 2007

I get to see some interesting things here. Things that the average American will never see.

Today on the way back from the gym I saw a tough-looking Army soldier in full battle gear (body armor, helmet, 9mm Beretta on a low thigh holster, M4 carbine slung across his back, etc.) walking very purposefully. Nothing too extraordinary--I see those young American heroes all the time. Only this gunslinger was cradling a case of Somoas like a newborn baby. Had a look on his face like he'd slice your throat if you messed with his cookies.

God bless America and God bless the Girl Scouts!

24 October 2007


Yesterday we got an email to send someone for Girl Scout cookies. I didn't think much of it. Actually I thought there was a sale and I missed it. Rats. But I was wrong. Apparently they were donated. I don't yet know who or why, but we have cookies. Some sailors went down to get cookies and came back with armfuls. We have cases of Tagalongs stacked from floor to ceiling here in our office. There goes my diet...

God bless America!

18 October 2007

Recently a 70-year old vet and business owner, James Walton, in Dallas shot and killed a burglar entering his residence—for the second time—and after forty-two calls to the police. Rebecca Aguilar, a reporter for KDFW, ambushed Mr. Walton in an Academy Sporting Goods parking lot and aggressively grilled him, asking him if he was trigger happy and if he wanted to kill. Poor old Mr. Walton was visibly shaken and broke down in tears. http://www.myfoxdfw.com/myfox/pages/Home/Detail?contentId=4640488&version=3&l...

I frequently lurk and sometimes post on a website for gun owners, http://ar15.com/, where I first learned of this story. Members there were outraged and started an operation to express their feelings by writing and calling Ms. Aguilar, KDFW, and Fox News. I also, eloquently and succinctly, expressed my views to the aforementioned entities. Today, Ms. Aguilar was suspended due to the public outrage to which I contributed. http://blogs.dallasobserver.com/unfairpark/2007/10/kdfw_suspends_rebecca_agui...

I think next time I’m in Dallas I might go visit a good friend and gun shop owner, pick up a Winchester Defender and a box of buckshot, wrap it with a big red bow, and deliver it to Mr. Walton as a gift.

God bless America!


17 October 2007

I can hear Mom now: "You're not leaving the house dressed like that!"
Would-be suicide bomber, kin killed in Afghanistan

Boston Globe Tue, 16 Oct 2007 2:46 AM PDT

KABUL, Afghanistan - A mother who tried to stop her son from carrying out a suicide bomb attack triggered an explosion in the family's home in southern Afghanistan that killed the would-be bomber, his mother, and three siblings, police said yesterday.